Bentham High Yield Fund
As detailed in the relevant PDS, either Fidante Partners Services Limited or Fidante Partners Limited is the responsible entity of each Fund. As responsible entity, Fidante Partners issue units in the Fund and is legally responsible to the unitholders of the Fund for its operation. All correspondence pertaining to your investment will be issued by Fidante Partners and you should contact Fidante Partners with any queries regarding your investment.
Please see the Responsible Entity’s website for Product Updates:
Before making a decision about whether to make an investment in the Fund, please read the Fund’s Target Market Determination (TMD) and Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) (including all incorporated information) to ensure the features of the Fund as described in the TMD and PDS aligns with your objectives, financial situation and needs.
What type of investor are you?
1. Australian Dollar Investors – Direct Application
2. Australian Dollar Investors – Apply via your ASX Broker (mFund)
Australian Dollar Investors – Invest Online
Step 1
Read PDS and TMD for your Investment Class
Download the PDS (Product Disclosure Statement), TMD (Target Market Determination) and AIB (Additional Information Booklet).
Step 2
Invest Online
You will be re-directed to Boardroom, our registry service provider. Fidante is the responsible entity and issuer of interests in our fund.
Australian Dollar Investors – Apply via your ASX Broker (mFund)
Step 1
Read PDS for your Investment Class
Download the PDS (Product Disclosure Statement), TMD (Target Market Determination) and AIB (Additional Information Booklet).
Step 2
Apply via your ASX Broker.